

…main business areas: Poisonings, Morbus Wilson, rheumatoid arthritis, toxoplasmosis, and specific vitamin deficiencies. The company HEYL will always continue to strive for the utmost therapeutic efficiency and safety of their…


Välimäki VV et al. 2016; How well are the optimal serum 25OHD concentrations reached in high-dose intermittent vitamin D therapy? A placebo-controlled study on comparison between 100 000 IU and 200 000 IU of oral D3 every 3 months in elderly women; Clin. Endocrinol. 84(6):837-44

…only with marginal difference. Approximately half of all measurements of 25OHD in both groups reached the goal of 75 nmol/l. Conclusions: Both applied dosis regimens are not able to keep…


Laborchemie Apolda

…laboratory to production. As a result of the close collaboration with various university research institutes and research-intensive high-tech companies, all developments are based on the latest state of science and…



with the production of collagen and in the eighties Heyltex became Estée Lauder®’s exclusive supplier of collagen. In the nineties, Heyltex sold Dimaval® (DMPS) all over the United States; starting…