
Välimäki VV et al. 2016; How well are the optimal serum 25OHD concentrations reached in high-dose intermittent vitamin D therapy? A placebo-controlled study on comparison between 100 000 IU and 200 000 IU of oral D3 every 3 months in elderly women; Clin. Endocrinol. 84(6):837-44

test intermittent dosing for improving the adherence of vitamin D therapy, targeting a 25OHD level of 75 nmol/l after baseline. Results: Serum 25OHD levels increased but in both treated groups…


Rheumatoid Arthritis

…How is rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed? The initial diagnosis is difficult as there is no test that can give a definitive answer, but also because symptoms vary from patient to patient….



…infection before the start of pregnancy, the embryo is safe from contagion. This could simply be tested with an antibody test. However, about half of all soon-to-be mothers are not…


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